Thursday, June 16, 2011

... on a trip!

It's 6.30am and I'm leaving for a long holiday today. There's an empty suitcase over there in the corner, and little piles of things lying all over my house. I'm experiencing a vague sense of panic but I think all the little piles will end up in my suitcase, and I'll be able to leave by 9.00am. What am I talking about? That's plenty of time! I've got enough for a leisurely shower, another cup of tea, and more sitting admiring my dear friend Sarah's 'departure' flowers from her garden!
So! I've resigned from my job, and will be away until the end of October. C and I are headed to America first, where we'll hire a car and camp, hike around my favourite mountain, attend an enormous music festival, and hopefully not find too many things we want to buy here. From New York we'll be shipping it across to Europe, to spend a good long time in France. Hooray!

I think I might even have time to go and give Boyd a good squeeze. He won't mind!
What am I talking about now? GO AND PACK, you nitwit!


Ruhammie said...

That's just sounds like a wonderful next several months! Especially the mountain part...I'm currently spending June a few hours east of it in the Yakima Valley with my mom. Safe travels!

Kylie C said...

Have a FABULOUS time, E! If only the fruits of my own resignation were so glamorous. ;)

EL at home... said...

Gasp!! How super exciting!! Keep us posted with your adventures won't you... Bon, bon, bon, voyage!! xx